Jefferson County Health Department Reports 9 Additional COVID-19 Deaths 

Jefferson County Health Department updated their reports today to reflect nine additional COVID-19 deaths. These updates bring the total of COVID-19 deaths in Jefferson County to 120.

Death reports can take 3-6 weeks to review at the State before reporting to local authorities. One of the nine deaths reported was associated with long term care facilities, the remaining eight were based in the community. The residents were:

·        2 Males, 60’s

·        Male, 70’s

·        3 Females, 70’s

·        2 Females, 80’s

·        Male, 80’s

“The deaths reported this week are just starting to show the impact of the significant increase in community spread during the month of November,” states Jefferson County Health Department Director, Kelley Vollmar. “I urge residents to stop considering the rise and fall of the daily numbers as a guide to whether or not to practice safe pandemic prevention practices. Recognize that these numbers represent people, with families that loved and lost them. That should be enough of a reason to continue, or start, doing your best to stop the spread of this disease in our community.”

Jefferson County Health Department will post COVID-19 death information on their dashboard once a week on Wednesday as reports are updated from the state. For the latest updates and more information about COVID-19, visit Jefferson County Health Department website