Eating Tips for Healthy Holidays

The beginning of the holiday season is upon us! Whether you start decorating for Christmas on November 1st or wait until after Thanksgiving, there are plenty of gatherings and fun things to look forward to.

Many parties during this season focus on food, and that can be difficult to navigate if you are trying to stick to a diet or just don’t want to overindulge. Consider what your health goals are for this holiday season, and check out the tips below for some healthy, mindful ways to look at food this season! 

  • Don’t arrive hungry or skip meals 

  • Skipping meals or showing up to an event hungry and lead to overeating while at the gathering. Whether you are trying to watch your calorie intake or simply not overeat, it can be a good idea to have a filling snack before you arrive. Fruit, string cheese, yogurt or a small handful of nuts can help you stick to your goals 

  • Bring your own dish 

  • Sometimes, we eat things because that is all that is available. If you want to stick to a routine, try bringing a nutritious dish such as a fruit or vegetable tray. This way, you will know you have something you like, and you can make it festive by arranging it like a holiday design or incorporating seasonal fruits and veggies. 

  • Choose your drinks wisely 

  • Some festive drinks and alcoholic beverages have a lot of empty calories in them and can lead to overconsumption.  

  • Visit the people not the food 

  • Try socializing away from the buffet table or appetizers as hanging around the table can lead to mindless eating. 

  • Eat until you are satisfied and not stuffed 

  • This can be a difficult one when there are so many delicious dishes to choose from! Eat slowly and check in with yourself while you’re eating. If you are getting full and feel like you missed out on a dish, see if you can take some home for later or for the next day! 

  • Be choosy and pick your splurges 

  • Sometimes our eyes are much bigger than our stomachs. Start with a small plate or small portions and see how you feel before getting more. If you need to limit yourself try selecting dishes or food that you can only get around this time of year and skip the things you get to have all the time.  

  • Don’t feel guilty 

  • If you feel like you overindulged on the delicious food don’t beat yourself up! Just try your best the next time as the holidays are all about family and togetherness not the food or the calories.  

Don’t give up on your fitness and health goals because the holidays have arrived. Make a plan before you arrive at events, and everything will be just fine! The takeaway here is to eat what you love to eat in moderation, get some exercise into your day, and eat mindfully.  

If you are looking to continue your healthy eating goals or if you don’t know where to start check out the Health Department’s Dietitian! Consultations are free but need an appointment. Call 636-797-3737 or visit our website for more information! If you would like more information on healthy holiday eating, check out these sites: