Did you make a New Year’s Resolution? Are you still going strong? If not, don’t give up yet! Aiming for consistency and not perfection is going to make your goals much more realistic. If you didn’t set any goals for the new year, there is still time.
When setting a goal, remember to keep it SMART. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. If your goal for the year is to improve your oral health and you do not currently floss, a good SMART goal could be: “Over the next two weeks, I will floss at least four days out of the seven.” Once you are consistent with this you can increase your goal to 5 days per week, every day, and even up to twice per day.
Be sure you track your progress! This could be hand-written in a journal or on a calendar, in a habit tracking app, or even in a shared document with a friend for accountability.
Below is a great resource if you are still thinking of setting a resolution for the year or if you need help planning a goal you are already working on:
About the author:
Megan has been a Registered Dietitian with the Jefferson County Health Department for approximately five years. She provides individual and group nutrition counseling as well as community presentations. Megan enjoys running so you may see her pushing a stroller at a local 5k!