First Case of Monkeypox Reported in Jefferson County, Missouri

Jefferson County Health Department (JCHD) is reporting the county’s first confirmed case of Monkeypox. The department received confirmation from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services earlier this week. To protect patient confidentiality, no additional details will be released.

The health department communicable disease team is investigating this case to determine possible exposure risks to other individuals. The team will notify anyone that was at risk of exposure to provide education for how to self-monitor for symptoms.  

“Across the state we have seen several cases of Monkeypox, so we were prepared for the potential that Jefferson County would see a case as well,” states Public Health Preparedness Supervisor, Jeana Vidacak. “Our clinicians have been trained on proper screening and testing procedures and our communicable disease team has been preparing for case investigations and community education.”

Individuals interested in vaccination should visit the Jefferson County Health Department website and complete the vaccination screening form: Monkeypox Screening Form (PEP)++ ( For additional information, please visit the CDC website or the JCHD website.

Any further cases will be reported on our monthly Communicable Disease (CD) report as is customary. The monthly CD report can be found on our website here.